Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Anthology Editor Fred Patten Accepts My Story "To the Reader ..."

Anthology editor, Fred Patten emailed me Monday, May 2nd with the following good news:
Congratulations! (The anthology) Gods With Fur has closed (to submissions), and your "To the Reader ..." has been chosen for publication. The anthology will go on sale at Anthrocon in Pittsburgh on June 30.
I'm always delighted and honored to have any of my work appear in a Patten anthology. He has a fine literary ear and his ability to assemble a good anthology has been honed from years of practical experience.

"To the Reader ..." is a 200-word piece of flash fiction and will be the opening story of the anthology.

Here are the opening three paragraphs. Purchase the anthology after June 30th for more:
And so you have found me.

What? After all this searching, you hesitate? You draw back? You searched for a god and now you have found one and yet you clutch your electric torch in fear.
Is it that I wear the mundane form of a fox? Or maybe you searched for a god of greater power, one who does more than sit in some great underground labyrinth surrounded by books and scrolls and clay tablets?

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