Saturday, August 17, 2019

Yes, I Have Been Unusually Quiet.

Allow me to explain:

I can say without superfluous profanity the last four months have been hellish on my family and me with a long bout of personal ill health, four funerals, a sick wife, the protracted death of my beloved dog, and all culminating in the passing of my father.

Needless to say, my nights are consumed by incessant anxiety dreams, several of which contain scenes that will appear altered in future stories. (May as well use them.)

Last night I dreamt I traveled to one of the eastern Asian countries and had an interesting conversation as I passed through customs:
"We have come here to study your country's magnificent volcanoes."
"Ah, yes. Many scientists come. The last one was consumed by a herd of rabbits."
"But ... but rabbits don't eat flesh."
"These ones did."
Now I confess even though I was inspired to get out of bed and write the conversation down immediately, it's a little too silly to use in a story, but the concept is perfect for a horror story: a nonchalant speaker revealing a horrific truth. I could use the idea in so many ways, even in stories that are not specifically horror:
"The coroner says the woman was killed by her Shih Tzu."
"What! But that's just a little dog!"
My partner shrugged. "It's still descended from wolves."
Just an idea. Use it if it works.

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