Audio by Erin Broadhurst on TikTok
1. Inside you, there are two wolves. Neither of them are paying rent.
2. Inside you are two wolves and your proctologist is frightened beyond words.
3. Inside you there are two wolves. Congratulations, Mrs. Werewolf, it's twins!
4. I don't have two wolves. I have 8 badgers, two mushrooms, and a snake.
5. Inside you there are 2 wolves. Sorry about the transporter malfunction.
6. Inside you there are two wolves, so they have advantage.
7. Inside me there are two wolves. I need serious medical attention.
8. Inside you there are two wolves. One always tells the truth the other always lies... or something like that.
9. "Inside you are 2 wolves" “Jokes on you, I can fit 3.”
10. Inside you there are two wolves. The other twelve are patiently waiting their turn.
11. Inside you there are two wolves. I'd recommend calling 911.
12. Inside you there are two wolves. Must have been one heck of a party!
13. Inside of me are two wolves, one of them is hungry. The second one is... hungry. You are hungry.
14. Inside you, there are 2 wolves. Sadly, there is no room for dessert.
15. Inside you, there are two wolves … wait. Now there are six wolves.
16. Inside me there are two wolves. I was really hungry this morning.
17. The doctor-recommended number of wolves inside of you is zero.
18. Inside of you there are two wolves. One of them is Adam Sandler. The other one is Adam Sandler. You are Adam Sandler.
19. Inside me there are two wolves. I will be incredibly sore tomorrow.
20. Inside you there are two wolves. You are dead.
21. Inside of you are two wolves. One craves cement. The other craves cement. You are addicted to cement.
22. Inside you are two wolves. They keep eating all the counting sheep. It's giving you insomnia.
23. You are inside 2 wolves (wait a minute…)
24. Inside of you are two knees. One is good. The other is bad. You are old.
25. Inside of you there are two wolves. One is wrong. The other one is wrong. You are wrong.
26. Inside your nose are two nostrils. One is so clogged, you can’t breathe. The other is so open you can taste the color of the air.
27. Inside you there are two wolves. One is wondering how it got there. The other is eating your liver.
28. Inside of you are two wolves. Both of them are exhausted.
29. Inside of you are two wolves. One is a coyote and the other is a coyote. You lack basic knowledge of North American carnivores.
30. Inside of you are two wolves. They are both fed up with your nonsense.
Good set of 'Two Wolves' memes! I can imagine a few more, like "Inside of you are Two Wolves. Leave some for the rest of us." Or, "Inside of you are Two Wolves. The rest of the pack will be furious when they find you."