Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Toss of a Coin: A Super Short Story

For the first time in months, my monthly group of writers met and as is typical we were given the exercise of a writer’s prompt and fifteen minutes to create a story, essay, or poem. The prompt was, “the toss of a coin.” 

After staring at my blank tablet for a few minutes, I began to write and what follows, with some limited editing to correct mistakes and add some clarification was my offering for the evening. 


We sat around the campfire, a quartet of old friends. The sun had set hours ago, and an easy friendship fed by years of similar gatherings had always given us the freedom of transparency. 

“I remember when I based a life decision on the flip of a coin,” Daryl said. He laughed to himself. “And I can promise you, Harold, that it was to determine a decision far more important than yours.” 

Our attention turned to Daryl as he ran his fingers through his gray hair. “After Alexa passed away after five decades of marriage, I couldn’t bear to go through her personal papers, but after a year of mourning, I was able to steel myself to open her side of the desk we shared and begin clearing out the papers. I found something that reminded me of that coin toss.

“Fifty years ago when I was at college, I was foolishly dating two girls at the time, but as they were from different towns I was able to maintain my scandalous secret. However, I got caught by both of them and they confronted me together. They demanded I make an immediate choice between them. The truth was I truly loved them both. Alexa insisted that if I couldn’t make up my mind then it was to be left up to fate and a coin toss. 

“As the other girl agreed Alexa handed me a half dollar. She called heads. The other girl got tails and I tossed the coin in the air. 

“It came up heads." 

“Did you ever regret the toss of that coin?” Fred asked. 

Daryl laughed. “That’s between me and my priest, but going through my wife’s personal papers, I found that coin.” He reached into his pocket. “Here. Take a look.” 

The coin was passed around the group and we remained silent as we inspected the coin. 

It had heads on both sides.

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