Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Today, the challenge is to write a review of my currant work in progress (WIP) that would be considered my ideal.

Before I do that, a word about reviews:

Reviews are a writer's basic bread. We need them. In today's world, we compete against literally thousands of eBooks being released everyday and most small writers like myself can easily get lost as a very tiny frog in a vast pond of other frogs.

Now enter the algorithm. Amazon's algorithms determine what recommendations are made to those who peruse its tables and as a rule of thumb, books that have 50 reviews or more or displayed more prominently than others. That is why if you have read any of my works, please leave a review. It does not need to be a literary masterpiece. A simple "I enjoyed the book and recommend it" is more than sufficient. Please do it today while you're thinking of it. In fact, I would encourage you to leave reviews for all books that you read. I certainly do.

So, the ideal review I would like to see when The Shrine War is released?
Alan Loewen's vision of a Japan that never was is both entertaining and fascinating, introducing us to mythological creatures and the humans who interact with them as well as their everyday world so very different and yet so very much like our own. The stories kept my attention and when I finished the book, I wanted more. Loewen's stated purpose for writing is to entertain and he achieved that goal with The Shrine War. I look forward to his next literary adventure.

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